RushInformation recommends Hello Ivy for automating your workflow and project management for free. Learn More

The fight between the good and the best one is always there in our mind regarding our choice. We always find us in a state of a dilemma when we have to collect the most shining jewel from the bunch of the shiny ones. Every year many new products are launched in the market. Some reach the heights of success while some even fail to take the take off.

If you are a huge fan of happy wheels game, here is more about the unblocked version of happy wheels game.

These successful products are often attracted due to its eye catchy features and the over advanced features that make them a must downloaded one on the device. Well, I am here to ease your difficulty with the list of top apps that become the topic of conversation. So, let’s move on to the list.


So, let’s move on to the list.

  1. OCTAVE: – If you like to play in the creepy and the horrifying atmosphere with the dark elements surrounding you then definitely this game will chill your spine. The game what I am talking about is none other than Octave that will steal your heart with its powerful game play. In the game, you have to play the character of a guy who has been dragged into an another world, and he is on his way to his own sweet and beautiful world. But his way is full of obstacles and dark ailments and each time he has to solve the creepy puzzles to unlock the door. Isn’t it sound interesting. Well, the sound is so interesting then imagine how wonderful and surprising the game would be. So, now only download this game and ease the path of the guy who has been lost in the other world.



Download here OCTAVE

  1. HORROR AND SCARY STORIES: – If you are interested in devouring more scary stories then definitely this app would be like a dream coming fact is now the collection of new exciting and thrilling horror stories app is available in the App Store from where you can easily download it and raise your hair on the skin. It contains stories that will make you have sleepless nights shivering with cold and a blanket on your forehead creating the obstruct for any sight of your eyes. Isn’t that creepy? So, what are you waiting for go to Google Play Store and download this awesome app?HORROR AND SCARY STORIES



  1. AWESUMMLY: – Are you in need of an instant news app? Are you fed up with the exaggerating writings in the newspapers and want something in short? If yes, then you are in the right place as this app will meet your expectations with the catchy eye writings including the punch lines and the awesome quotes. So, if you want to escape from your Boss’s wrath then download this app and be updated with all the current happenings across the globe. Read short news directly from their official website.AWESUMMLY


Download news in shorts app

  1. HULU: – Hulu is one such app that you might be looking for. It contains all your favorite movies and TV shows which are updated with the latest episodes after they have aired into the market. Hulu offers many paid subscriptions models that will automatically update you with the upcoming thrashing movies or the TV series. So, from now do not leave a single watch and watch your favorite movies and TV series with one of the biggest online streaming app. Now, move on and watch it.HULU

Download here HULU

  1. SPOTIFY: – Who does not love listening to the heart touching songs raising our hair from the skin. Who does not love listening to the rocking and the party songs that automatically accelerates your legs to dance? Well, I think the answer would be known as music and songs are the need of area. Their importance can hardly be ignored due to an everlasting effect on the mind. So, what are you looking for going to Google Play Store download this marvelous app and listen to your favorite song anytime, anywhere?SPOTIFY
  2. ACTION LAUNCHER: – Well, this simple looking app is embedded with so many advanced features that you will be blown out of your mind. Well, I am not simply exaggerating about it, it is due to its multifunctional features that today it has been on the top of the sky. This awesome app is known for its optimization action that speeds up your phone and reduces the battery consumption. The app is a perfect game booster that allows you to have a perfect gaming experience with the smooth hitting of the balls and the perfect shooting of the bullet in the head of a criminal. The talking is so exciting then decide what would it be if you will download it on your device. Think it once and feel the difference.ACTION LAUNCHER



  1. CM SECURITY: – The feature of this app is more that it hardly needs any explanations. The unique and the Prodigy feature of this app is capable itself to reveal its importance. All these quality features making it a must downloaded the app on your Android device. I am not simply overwriting the things but promising you that this app would be one of the best companions for your smartphone. It has been designed with the unique anti-virus features that not only scans for the junk ones but also removes it if any threat is found.CM SECURITY


Download here CM SECURITY

If you use Sarahah App and want to know how you can hack the app. Here is the article that will help you to hack Sarahah.

RushInformation recommends Hello Ivy for automating your workflow and project management for free. Learn More

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